Read-only RootFS
vserver vs1 build --force -m debootstrap --hostname vs1.localhost -- -d squeeze -m
- Modify /etc/vservers/vs1/fstab according to
/etc/vservers/vs1/vdir / ext3 bind,rw,dev 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
none /tmp tmpfs size=16m,mode=1777 0 0
none /var/lock tmpfs size=16m,mode=1777 0 0
none /var/run tmpfs size=16m,mode=1777 0 0
none /lib/init/rw tmpfs size=16m,mode=1777 0 0
none /dev/pts devpts gid=5,mode=620 0 0
/writeable_root/vs1 /home/vs1 ext3 bind,dev 0 0
- Add an .oldroot-directory to the installation (vcontext creates this directory, but skips if it already exists)
mkdir /etc/vservers/vs1/vdir/.oldroot
chmod 0700 /etc/vservers/vs1/vdir/.oldroot
- Create the folder that holds the log-folder ( If you want to save these. )
mkdir -p /writeable_root/vs1/log
mkdir /etc/vservers/vs1/vdir/home/vs1
rm -rf /etc/vservers/vs1/vdir/var/log
ln -s ../home/vs1 /etc/vservers/vs1/vdir/var/log
- Start the vserver and stop it, to make use of the .oldroot.
vserver vs1 start
vserver vs1 stop
- If the root is still read-write inside the vserver, add the following to pre-start script
mkdir /etc/vservers/vs1/scripts
echo "mount -o bind,remount,ro . ." > /etc/vservers/vs1/scripts/pre-start
- Note that the vserver has to be started read-writeable once. Now that it has been started and stopped, change the 'rw' to 'ro' in fstab.